What is a Clairvoyant Reading?

Does it Involve other senses and / or Tarot Cards?


Alongside natural abilities, I am also (said without ego) an expert tarot card reader. Many psychics don’t need any physical tools, and often, spiritual light-workers consider tarot cards as pagan fortune-telling (I’m not being negative when I say that, it’s simply an observation). I do consider myself spiritual and I don't use the cards in the same way a fortune teller would - for frivolous entertainment. I'm using the cards to help people transform their lives positively.

Clairvoyant vs Clairvoyance

Understanding the Difference:


We have two words to think about here: CLAIRVOYANT (a person) and CLAIRVOYANCE (the ability).

💡 “I am a clairvoyant, and I have clairvoyance.”

Now, back to school for a moment (I know, groan… please forgive me!). Let’s start with a French lesson:

  • Clair = Clear
  • Voyant = Seeing (Voyance = Vision)

In other words, to see clearly and have clarity. It’s another way of describing second sight or a sixth sense. Many religions have stories of people with such gifts, often seen as coming from a higher power or God. Personally, I believe it’s more about energy and the spirit world (and yes, I spent years exploring different religions on a quest for answers!).


Do Clairvoyants Use Tarot Cards?


For me, tarot cards are not just a theatrical prop, but they add to the reading rather than being the reading itself. I don’t actually need them—and sometimes I even know which tarot cards I’m going to pull next!


Why do I use tarot then?

  • They give the client something interesting (and let’s be honest, more attractive!) to focus on.

  • It makes the session more engaging and entertaining.

  • I use them as a visual aid to present coping strategies.

💡 As a natural clairvoyant and expert tarot card reader, I blend both abilities seamlessly—providing deeper insight beyond the cards while also using tarot as a structured tool for guidance.


🚀 If you want to understand more about my style, check out my Why Charlie page—it will all become abundantly clear!


and The Difference?

While both types of readings and tarot readings offer insight and guidance, they work in fundamentally different ways:


Clairvoyant Reading:

  • Relies on the natural psychic ability of the reader to "see" visions, symbols, and energy.

  • Involves direct spirit communication, intuition, and deeper energetic insights.

  • Can be done without any tools (although some do use tarot for added context).

  • Provides personalised, spontaneous messages that aren't reliant on predefined card meanings.



Tarot Reading:

  • Uses a structured deck of 78 cards, each with specific meanings and interpretations.

  • The reader relies on symbolism, intuition, and spreads to uncover past, present, and future influences.

  • Can be learned by anyone, though skill and intuition enhance accuracy.

  • Often focuses on practical guidance and decision-making.

💡 In my readings, I blend both techniques—using my clairvoyance to receive messages beyond the cards and tarot as a structured way to present insights.


The Role of Clairvoyance in a Reading

Anyone can buy a deck of tarot cards and memorise the generic meanings. But that’s like having a random pile of words and trying to put them into the right order—think about how much trouble we get into when predictive text goes wrong! 🤦‍♀️

The cards will show past, present, and future. The reader interprets what’s relevant to your spiritual growth and path forward. You can ask questions on family, love, career, finances, health, and more.


What Actually Happens in a Clairvoyant Session?

A psychic reading is an art form, where the reader tunes into energy, seeing visions and symbols while talking to you. It’s not about making wild, dramatic predictions or telling you things are set in stone.

✨ Many psychics have a natural ability, but that doesn’t mean they’ve had guidance on boundaries and ethics. Some might tell you something is destiny (completely unchangeable!), but let’s be real—not every fart is written in the wind! 🤣

A session should feel like a meaningful conversation rather than something scripted. A skilled reader will share insights with honesty and compassion, offering guidance instead of rigid pronouncements about your fate. The goal isn’t to take away your choices but to help you see possibilities with greater clarity.

Sometimes, a reading can bring up unexpected things—memories, emotions, even forgotten dreams. This happens because energy carries layers of meaning, and intuition works beyond the limits of logic. You might hear things that confirm what you already felt deep down or gain a fresh perspective on a situation that’s been weighing on your mind.

More importantly, a session is about you—your energy, your experiences, and the paths available to you. A psychic is simply a translator, interpreting the symbols and impressions that come through. It’s not about dictating your life story but highlighting the choices that align with your highest good.

A genuine reading should leave you feeling empowered, not fearful or trapped in a rigid prediction. Free will always plays a role, and even the strongest visions are glimpses of potential outcomes, not fixed scripts. In the end, the real magic is in how you choose to shape your future.


A Good Psychic Reader Knows the Difference Between: ✔ What is truly destiny ✔ What is free will

For example, if you ask, “When will I lose weight?” – Spirit usually won’t care about your size. So, unless there’s a health issue (let’s hope not!), the answer depends on your choices—giving up cake/wine 🍰🍷, exercising 🏃‍♀️, or another plan of action. Some freewill choices might lead to a destined outcome, but not every question will have a set-in-stone answer.


Online Clairvoyant Readings: A Modern Approach

With the rise of technology, booking an online reading has never been easier. Whether you prefer a video call, phone reading, or even a chat-based session, receiving guidance remotely is just as powerful as an in-person consultation. There are many different types of psychic readings, each offering unique insights depending on the method used. Some people may prefer tarot-based psychic readings, while others seek direct messages for deeper spiritual guidance.

A mystical psychic woman with long flowing hair, surrounded by a glowing aura.


 Thank you for reading. I'm Charlie of Chat 2 Charlie. 


➡ See my Psychic Readings page where you’ll find a video intro!



🗣️ "I had my first reading with Charlie today. Charlie was fantastic and I could relate to the past, present, and future." – Read more


When you need crystal-clear clarity, when you need to shine a guiding light in dark corners, then consider booking a reading with me.

📍 Book your online clairvoyant reading now

Other Psychic Abilities Explained…

There are several abilities that start with clair- each referring to a different way of receiving intuitive information.


💡 Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)

This is the knowing of something without logical explanation. People with claircognizance receive information in sudden flashes, as if the answer simply appears. It’s that gut feeling that tells you exactly what’s going to happen—before it does.

Sometimes I will either have a "download" during a reading and suddenly know something or witness something immediately before a reading that is completely relevant. 


🎧 Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)

This is the ability to receive intuitive messages through sound. Some psychics hear words, names, or phrases in their minds, while others pick up on tones, music, or whispers from the spirit world. It’s not like hearing a physical voice but more like a thought arriving fully formed, as if spoken inside your head.


💡 I often have a random song or lyric pop into my mind and later realise it had meaning. That’s clairaudience in action.


💓 Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)

Clairsentients pick up energy through physical sensations or emotions. When I'm out and about I sense both feelings and element energies. 

For example I will often know when water is nearby or people buried. As well as the energy of a room. That’s clairsentience.


Many empaths have a strong ability, to sense the emotions of others, as if they were their own. Sometimes, psychics feel a physical sensation in their body related to someone else’s experience.

👃👅 Clairalience (Clear Smelling) & Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)

These lesser-known abilities can be just as powerful. 


🍽️ Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)

This involves taste, where someone may experience a flavour without eating. This often happens in mediumship when spirits trigger familiar sensory memories.


🌸 Clairalience (Clear Smelling)

This allows psychics to detect scents with no physical source—like a loved one’s perfume long after they’ve passed. 

I often pick up floral scents e.g. Lily of the Valley, and it turns out the person we are talking about use to wear it.  Once when hugging a friend I detected a musky smell. I just KNEW (also claircognizance) that something medical was being flagged. When doing research it turned out to be Parkinsons. My friend was diagnosed a few months later.